"That was due to Crabtree's expertise and flair during a wine tasting that lasted until sunrise, and that is still remembered in the neighbouring town of 'Vila Real´as the "Night of the Englishman', that Don José Mateus first realised the potential of his Estate's Rosés as suitable for the English palate"
Santos, Bartolomeu dos, 'Joseph Crabtree and the Caliph of Fonthill', 1985, in The Crabtree Orations (1954-1984), ed. Brian Bennett & Negley Harte, The Crabtree Foundation, London, 1997
Do blog "Blogoperatório" por José Teófilo Duarte
A era do vazio
Bartolomeu Cid dos Santos morreu. A notícia não foi primeira página dos jornais. Nem abriu os noticiários televisivos. Não percebo porquê. Ou talvez perceba.